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Flooring Products

There isn’t one resin floor type that can do it all. At ProREZ Performance Resins & Coatings, our highly dedicated team of chemists, technicians, and allied contractors have spent years in the laboratory and in the field respectively evaluating, applying, testing & retesting to design & specify high performance resinous flooring materials for the specialized industries we serve. In order to provide facilities with truly effective seamless concrete flooring solutions, a versatile range of industrial resinous floor coating options is required. However, it’s not always the breadth of the offering, but the inherent physical properties, performance, and versatility of the overall product range itself. More products can mean more inventory and greater carrying costs for both the contractor and the manufacturer. “It’s not always what you have for products, but what you can do with those products.”

From the lab to the slab, we bring our contractors and their clients the experience, knowledge, and confidence to select the right coating or resurfacing solution best suited to protect, maintain, and/or beautify the facility’s flooring.

With so many conventional resinous coating options to choose from today, the challenge is selecting a polymer flooring material that’s right for the project? Every concrete floor is different, and even within a single facility you may need various floor coating products meeting specific performance and budgetary requirements.